1) стадия; период; фаза; этап 2) столик (микроскопа) • - adult stage - ascigerous stage - assimilating stage - basidial stage - blooming stage - booting stage - bud stage - conidial stage - dead-ripe stage - developmental stage - division stage - dormant stage - dough stage - embryonal stage - excitement stage - fixed stage - flowering stage - fruit ripening stage - fruiting stage - germination stage - gonidial stage - growth stage - heading stage - herbaceous stage - incubative stage - larval stage - leafing stage - light stage - maturity stage - milk stage - multiplicative stage - palmelloid stage - paniculation stage - pegging stage - phenological stage - pioneer stage - postconception stage - preconceptive stage - pupal stage - quiescent stage - resting stage - ripeness stage - seadling stage - seral stage - shooting stage - stage of latency - stem extension stage - stooling stage - tillering stage - vegetative stage - vernalization stage - warm stage - wax stage
Англо-русский перевод STAGE
Чибисова О.И., Смирнов Н.Н.. New English-Russian dictionary of biology. Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии. 2003