Англо-русский перевод STAGE

1) каскад 2) ступень, фаза • - amplification stage - balancing stage - control stage - dc inserter stage - dead-end stage - detection stage - differential stage - direct channel stage - double-step stage - driver stage - first-audio stage - group stage - high-frequency stage - incoming group stage - input stage - intermediate-frequency stage - inverse stage - line sweep stage - mixing stage - modulator stage - MOSFET output stage - multiplying stage - neutralized radio-frequency stage - outgoing group stage - output stage - parallel stage - power amplifier stage - power stage - preamplification stage - preselector stage - preterminal stage - quiet input stage - register selection stage - register stage - resistor gain stage - resonance stage - scanning stage - single-ended stage - single-step stage - space switching stage - stage of selection - subscriber selection stage - switch stage - switching stage - terminal stage - time-switching stage - unbalanced stage

Александров А.В.. English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications.      Англо-Русский словарь по телекоммуникациям.