эк. центральный банк (государственный банк, который реализует денежно-кредитную и валютную политику государства, управляет официальными валютными резервами, осуществляет денежную эмиссию, является банкиром правительства и кредитором последней инстанции для других финансовых институтов) See: currency policy, monetary policy, official reserves, open market operations, currency intervention, lender of last resort, bankers' bank, bank of issue, bank of government, Federal Reserve System, European Central Bank, national central bank, European System of Central Banks, Bahrain Monetary Agency, Bangladesh Bank, Bank Al-Maghrib, Bank of Albania, Bank of Algeria, Bank of Botswana, Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Bank of Estonia, Bank of Finland, Bank of Ghana, Bank of Greece, Bank of Guatemala, Bank of Indonesia, Bank of Israel, Bank of Italy, Bank of Jamaica, Bank of Japan, Bank of Korea, Bank of Latvia, Bank of Lebanon, Bank of Lithuania, Bank of Mauritius, Bank of Mexico, Bank of Mongolia, Bank of Mozambique, Bank of Namibia, Bank of Papua New Guinea, Bank of Portugal, Bank of Russia, Bank of Sierra Leone, Bank of Slovenia, Bank of Spain, Bank of Sudan, Bank of Tanzania, Bank of Thailand, Bank of the Netherlands Antilles, Bank of the Republic of Colombia, Bank of the Republic of Haiti, Bank of Uganda, Bank of Zambia, Banque de France, Bermuda Monetary Authority, Bulgarian National Bank, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Central Bank of Argentina, Central Bank of Armenia, Central Bank of Aruba, Central Bank of Barbados, Central Bank of Belize, Central Bank of Bolivia, Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central Bank of Brazil, Central Bank of Central African States, Central Bank of Chile, Central Bank of China, Central Bank of Costa Rica, Central Bank of Cuba, Central Bank of Cyprus, Central Bank of Ecuador, Central Bank of Egypt, Central Bank of Honduras, Central Bank of Iceland, Central Bank of Iran, Central Bank of Ireland, Central Bank of Jordan, Central Bank of Kenya, Central Bank of Kuwait, Central Bank of Lesotho, Central Bank of Luxembourg, Central Bank of Madagascar, Central Bank of Malaysia, Central Bank of Malta, Central Bank of Montenegro, Central Bank of Nicaragua, Central Bank of Nigeria, Central Bank of Oman, Central Bank of Paraguay, Central Bank of Samoa, Central Bank of Seychelles, Central Bank of Solomon Islands, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Suriname, Central Bank of Swaziland, Central Bank of the Bahamas, Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, Central Bank of the Philippines, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, Central Bank of Tunisia, Central Bank of Uruguay, Central Bank of Venezuela, Central Bank of West African States, Central Bank of Yemen, Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador, Central Reserve Bank of Peru, Croatian National Bank, Czech National Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Monetary Authority of Macau, Monetary Authority of Singapore, National Bank of Azerbaijan, National Bank of Belgium, National Bank of Denmark, National Bank of Ethiopia, National Bank of Georgia, National Bank of Hungary, National Bank of Kazakhstan, National Bank of Moldova, National Bank of Poland, National Bank of Romania, National Bank of Rwanda, National Bank of Serbia, National Bank of Slovakia, National bank of Tajikistan, National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, National Bank of Ukraine, National Reserve Bank of Tonga, Nepal Rastra Bank, Netherlands Bank, Norges Bank, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, People's Bank of China, Qatar Central Bank, Reserve Bank of Australia, Reserve Bank of Fiji, Reserve Bank of India, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan, Saudi Arabia Monetary Agency, South African Reserve Bank, State Bank of Pakistan, State Bank of Vietnam, Sveriges Riksbank, Swiss National Bank, Monetary Authorities - Central Bank, jawbone
Англо-русский перевод CENTRAL BANK
Экономическая школа. New English-Russian explanatory dictionary of financial markets. Новый Англо-Русский толковый словарь по финансовым рынкам. 2005