1) группа, ансамбль || групповой - finishing mill group - roughing mill group 2) совокупность; комплект 3) группировка || группировать(ся) 4) группировочный 5) класс; категория || классифицировать; категоризировать 6) хим. остаток 7) сгусток; скопление 8) узел 9) матем. группа group over field — группа над полем group over ring — группа над кольцом group with division — группа с делением group with multiple operators — группа с многоместными операторами, мультиоператорная группа group with operators — группа с операторами group with topology — группа с топологией group with trivial center — группа без центра group with zero — группа с нулем group without center — группа без центра group without operators — группа без операторов group without small subgroups — группа без малых подгрупп group without torsion — группа без кручения invariance under group — инвариантность относительно группы to group like terms — приводить подобные члены - Abelian group - abelianized group - abhomotopy group - absolute cohomology group - absolute free group - absolute homotopy group - absolutely irreducible group - absolutely simple group - abstract group - additively free group - additively written group - adele group - adelic group - adelized group - adjoint group - adjusted group - affine group - age group - algebraic group - algebraically closed group - algebraically compact group - algebraically simple group - almost connected group - almost cyclic group - almost ordered group - almost periodic group - almost simple group - alternating form group - alternating group - amalgamated group - amenable group - analytical group - anharmonic group - anisotropic group - antiunitary group - aperiodic group - archimedean group - arcwise connected group - arithmetic group - asystatic group - automorphic group - automorphism group - autotopism group - base group - basic group - basis of group - betweennes group - bicharacter group - bicompact group - bigraded group - binary group - bitransformation group - bordism group - boundary group - bounded group - braid group - bundle group - cancellation group - cancellative group - canonical transformation group - case-shift code group - cellular homology group - central group - centrally closed group - chain group - channel master group - characteristically simple group - circle group - circular group - classical group - closed homology group - cobordism group - coboundary group - cochain group - cocyclic group - code group - coherent group - cohomological group - cohomology group - cohomotopic group - cohomotopy group - collinear group - collineation group - color group - commensurability group - commutative group - commutator group - complemented group - complementing group - complete group - complete monomial group - completely anisotropic group - completely discontinuous group - completely divisible group - completely indecomposable group - completely integrally closed group - complex group - composite group - conditionally complete group - configuration group - conformal group - congruence group - connected group - continuous group - contracted group - contrahomology group - control group - coseparable group - cotortion group - countable group - countably discrete group - covering group - critical group - crystallographic group - cubical homology group - cuspidal group - cycle group - cyclically ordered group - cycloidal group - decomposable group - decomposition group - defect group - deficient group - degree of group - dense group - denumerable symmetric group - derived group - diagonal group - diagonalizable group - dicyclic group - differentiable group - differential group - digit group - dihedral group - dihomology group - dimensionless group - direct cohomology group - direct homology group - direct indecomposable group - directed group - directly indecomposable group - discontinuous group - discrete group - discriminating group - dispersible group - displacement group - distal group - divisible group - division closure group - divisor group - double group - doubly covered group - doubly transitive group - dual group - dyadic group - dynamical group - dynamical symmetry group - edge group - edge-path group - effect group - effective group - effectively acting group - elation group - elementary group - elliptic group - embeddable group - embedding of group - empennage group - endomorphism group - enlarged group - entire group - equationally compact group - equiaffine group - equicontinuous group - equiform group - equivalence group - etale group - exact symmetry group - exceptional group - existentially closed group - exponent of group - exponential group - exponentiation group - extended group - extension group - factor group - factorizable group - factorization of group - field character group - filtered group - final group - finite group - finite-dimensional group - finitely approximable group - finitely cogenerated group - finitely defined group - finitely generated group - finitely presented group - finitely related group - first homology group - first homotopy group - four group - four-dimensional group - four-strand braid group - free group - freely acting group - freely generated group - frieze group - full braid group - full commutator group - full linear group - full orthogonal group - full rotation group - full symmetric group - full unimodular group - functional group - functorial quotient group - fundamental group - fuzzy group - gage group - general group - general linear group - generalized group - geometrical homology group - global group - grading group - group of actions - group of affine transformations - group of automorhisms - group of autoprojectivities - group of boundaries - group of circle-preserving transformations - group of classes of algebras - group of covering transformations - group of digraph - group of dilatations - group of displacements - group of divisors - group of dodecahedron - group of endomorphisms - group of extensions - group of finite order - group of finite rank - group of fractions - group of groups - group of homothetic transformations - group of ideals - group of infinite cardinality - group of infinite order - group of infinite rank - group of inner automorphisms - group of integers - group of interprise - group of invertible elements - group of involutions - group of isometry - group of isotropy - group of left quotients - group of linear equivalence - group of linear forms - group of linear manifold - group of map - group of mapping - group of motions - group of numbers - group of observations - group of order - group of plane rotations - group of polarity - group of prime residue classes - group of principal ideles - group of projection - group of projectivities - group of proper rotations - group of quotients - group of rational numbers - group of real line - group of recursive permutations - group of right quotients - group of self-equivalence - group of similarities - group of singular homologies - group of six - group of spectral homologies - group of square - group of substitutions - group of symmetries - group of transformations - group of translations - group of units - group of vectors - group of zeroids - hidden symmetry group - holonomy group - homeomorphism group - homogeneous group - homologic group - homomorphism group - homothetic group - homotopy group of spheres - hyperbolic group - hypercentral group - hypercohomology group - hyperelementary group - hyperemetric topological group - hyperexponential group - hypermetric topological group - hyperoctahedral group - icosahedral group - ideal class group - idele class group - idele group - identity group - image group - imprimitive group - indecomposable group - indicable group - individual trunk group - inertia group - infinite classical group - infinite group - infinite-dimensional group - infinitely divisible group - infinitesimal group - injective group - integrable group - integral group - internal symmetry group - intransitive group - intrinsic group - invariance group - inverse group - irreducible group - irregular group - isometry group - isomorphically embedded group - isospin group - isotrophy group - iteration group - kernel group - knot group - large ramification group - lattice-ordered group - left group - left transformation group - left-ordered group - Lie group - limit group - limiting group - line group - linear fractional group - linearly ordered group - linearly transitive group - link group - little group - local group - locally almost periodic group - locally bicompact group - locally closed group - locally compact group - locally connected group - locally cyclic group - locally defined group - locally embeddable group - locally finite group - locally free group - locally infinite group - locally nilpotent group - locally normal group - locally solvable group - loose group - lower basic group - main group - majority group - massive group - matrix group - maximal group - maximally valued group - measurable group - metabelian group - metacyclic group - metalinear group - metanilpotent group - metaplectic group - metric group - metrizable group - minimal group - mixed group - modal group - modular group - modularity group - modulus group - monodromy group - monogenic group - monolithic group - monomial group - monothetic group - multioperator group - multiplicative group - multiplicatively written group - multiplier group - multiplier of group - multiply connected group - multiply primitive group - multiply transitive group - narrow group - n-dimensional group - n-dimensional homology group - neighborhood group - nested group - n-fold transitive group - n-generator group - nil group - node group - Noether group - noncommutative group - non-commutative group - noncompact group - noncyclic group - nondense group - nonhomogeneous holonomy group - nonintegrable group - noninvariance group - nonperiodical group - nonsoluble group - nonsolvable group - nonspecial group - non-special group - nontrivial group - norm group - normal group - n-ply transitive group - n-th homotopy group - nuclear group - one-headed group - one-parameter group - operator-free group - orbit of group - order of group - orderable group - ordered homology group - ordered pair group - ordering of group - oriented bordism group - oriented bordism group - oriented homology group - ornamental group - orthochronous group - outer group - p-adic group - pair group - pairwise transitive group - parabolic group - paraconvex group - parafree group - parametric group - parametrized group - paramodular group - parasolvable group - partial group - partially ordered group - particle group - p-divisible group - perfect group - period group - permanent group - permutable group - permutably decomposable group - permutation group - permutation symmetry group - phantom group - phase group - point group - polycyclic group - polyhedral group - polynilpotent group - power group - presentation group - primary group - prime power group group - principal congruence group - profinite group - projective group - projective module group - pronilponent group - proper group - properly discontinuous group - properly orthogonal group - properly unimodular group - pseudoconvex group - pseudoorthogonal group - pseudounitary group - p-th group - pulse group - pure injective group - pure projective group - pure rotation group - pure simple group - quadratic group - quadruply transitive group - quasiaffine group - quasiclinic group - quasicompact group - quasicyclic group - quasidecomposable group - quasidihedral group - quasidual group - quasiembedded group - quasiindecomposable group - quasiinjective group - quasiisomorphic group - quasimotion group - quasipure injective group - quasipure projective group - quasirotation group - quasiseparable group - quasisimple group - quasisplit group - quasitotal group - quaternion group - quintuply transitive group - quotient divisible group - quotient group - radical group - radical of group - ramification group - randomized group - rank of group - rational group - real group - rectangular group - recursively presented group - reduced group - reducibly free group - reductive group - reflection group - reflexive group - relative cohomology group - relative group - relatively free group - renormalization group - representation group - residually finite group - residually nilpotent group - restricted holonomy group - right group - right transformation group - right-ordered group - rigid group - rope group - rosette group - rotational group - rotation-reflection group - select group - semidihedral group - semielementary group - semigroup group - semilinear group - semilocally simply connected group - semiordered group - semiorthogonal group - semireductive group - semiregular group - semisimple group - semisymmetric group - semiuniform group - set-transitive permutation group - shape group - sharply doubly transitive group - sharply transitive group - similarity group - simplicial group - simplicity of group - simply continuous group - simply ordered group - simply reducible group - simply transitive group - singular cogomology group - singular homology group - six-parameter group - slender group - smooth group - solenoidal group - soluble group - solvable group - space group - spherical group - spinor group - splittable group - splitting group - sporadic group - square group - stability group - stable group - standard group - stationary group - stochastic group - strictly ordered group - strictly transitive group - strongly polycyclic group - structural group - structurally ordered group - structure group - subabnormal group - subdirectly irreducible group - subinvariant group - submonogenic group - subnormal group - subsoluble group - subsolvable group - substituent group - substitution group - superconformal group - supersoluble group - supersolvable group - Sylow group - symmetrical group - symmetry group - symplectic group - tame group - tangent group - tetrahedral group - three-digit group - three-dimensional rotation group - three-parameter group - three-strand braid group - topological group - topologically complete group - topologically solvable group - topologized group - toral group - toroidal group - torsion group - torsion-free group - torus group - totally disconnected group - totally ordered group - totally projective group - totally reducible group - trace on group - track group - translation group - transvection-rich group - treatment combination group - trellis group - triad group - triangle group - triangulable group - triangular group - triangulated group - triangulation group - trigonalizing group - triplewise group - triply transitive group - trunk group - twisted group - two group - two-digit group - two-dimensional group - two-parameter group - underlying group - uniaxial group - unicentral group - unicoherent group - uniformizable group - uniformly decomposable group - unifying group - unimodular group - unipotent group - uniprimitive group - unique group - unirational group - unit group - unitarily restricted group - unitary symmetry group - unitary transformation group - unitriangular group - universal group - valuation group - value group - vector group - verbally simple group - vierbein group - wallpaper group - wave group - weak cohomology group - weak homology group - weakly mixing group - weight group - whole group - zero-dimensional group - zeroth group
Англо-русский перевод GROUP
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005