Meaning of GROUP in English

I. noun


a usually comparatively small assemblage of individuals

people gathered in groups about the hall

Synonyms: assembly, band, bevy, bunch, cluster, covey, crew, party; compare company 4, gathering

Related Word: circle, clique, coterie, set

Contrasted words: crowd, crush, horde, mob, press, rout, throng


Synonyms: gathering 2, aggregation, assemblage, assembly, collection, company, congeries, crowd, muster, ruck


an assemblage of things constituting a unit

a group of houses behind the church

Synonyms: array, batch, battery, body, bunch, bundle, clot, clump, cluster, clutch, lot, parcel, passel, platoon, set, sort, suite

Related Word: assemblage, collection, mess, shooting match


Synonyms: set 5, bunch, circle, crowd, lot, push


Synonyms: syndicate , cartel, chain, combine, conglomerate, pool, trust


Synonyms: class 1, category, grade, grouping, league, pigeonhole, tier

II. verb


to make into or bring together in a group

grouped the children according to age

Synonyms: assemble, cluster, collect, gather, round up; compare gather 6

Related Word: adjust, arrange, harmonize, organize, systematize; allocate, dispose, distribute, place; bunch, crowd, huddle

Idioms: bring together, get together

Contrasted words: disband, disperse, scatter, separate


Synonyms: assort , categorize, class, classify, pigeonhole, sort

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.