Synonyms and related words :
American, Art Nouveau, Ashcan school, Barbizon, Bauhaus, Bolognese, British, Bund, Cobra, Dutch, Flemish, Fontainebleau, French, German band, Italian, Mannerist, Milanese, Modenese, Momentum, Neapolitan, New York, Paduan, Parisian, Phases, Philharmonic, Pre-Raphaelite, Raphaelite, Reflex, Restany, Rochdale cooperative, Roman, Scottish, Sienese, Spur, Suprematism, The Ten, Tuscan, Umbrian, Venetian, Washington, accumulate, accumulation, adjust, affiliation, age group, agglomerate, agglomeration, aggregate, aggregation, aggroup, alliance, alphabetize, amass, amount, analyze, appraise, arrange, array, art schools, assemblage, assemble, assembly, assess, association, assort, assortment, axis, band, batch, battalion, battery, bevy, big band, bloc, blood, body, bolt, bracket, branch, brass, brass band, brass choir, brass quintet, brass section, brasses, break down, brigade, bring together, budget, bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, bundle, cabal, cadre, callithumpian band, camarilla, cartel, cast, caste, catalog, catalogue, categorize, category, cell, chain, chamber orchestra, charmed circle, chunk, church, circle, clan, class, classify, clique, closed circle, clot, club, clump, cluster, clutch, coalition, codify, cohort, collate, collect, collection, college, colligate, collocate, combination, combine, combo, common market, communion, community, company, compare, compile, complement, concert band, confederacy, confederation, congeries, conglomerate, conglomeration, congregation, consumer cooperative, contingent, cooperative, cooperative society, copse, corps, corral, coterie, council, count, couple, covey, credit union, crew, crop, crowd, cumulate, customs union, deal, denomination, desks, detachment, detail, dig up, digest, dispose, divide, division, dixieland band, dose, draw together, dredge up, drive together, eclectic, economic community, elite, elite group, enlarge, ensemble, estate, evaluate, faction, factor, federation, fellowship, file, fleet, free trade area, gamelan orchestra, gang, gather, gather in, gather together, gathering, gauge, get in, get together, gob, gradate, grade, graduate, grouping, groupment, groups, grove, guild, hassock, head, heading, heap, hunk, identify, in-group, index, ingroup, inner circle, jazz band, join, jug band, junta, junto, juxtapose, kin, knot, label, large amount, league, level, list, look-alikes, lot, lump together, machine, make up, mass, match, matching pair, measure, mess, military band, mob, mobilize, movement, muster, number, offshoot, orchestra, order, organization, organize, out-group, outfit, pack, pair, parcel, part, partner, partnership, party, passel, peer group, persuasion, phalanx, pigeonhole, pile, place, platoon, plein-air, political machine, pool, portion, position, posse, predicament, proportion, push, put together, quantity, quartet, quintet, race, ragtime band, raise, rake up, rally, range, rank, rate, rating, ration, regiment, religious order, riddle, ring, rock-and-roll group, round up, rubric, ruck, salon, schism, school, scrape together, screen, sect, sectarism, section, segment, separate, sept, series, set, set apart, sextet, shock, sieve, sift, size, skiffle band, slew, small amount, society, sort, sort out, squad, stable, station, status, steel band, stook, strain, stratum, street band, string, string band, string choir, string orchestra, string quartet, strings, subdivide, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, subordinate, suite, sum, swing band, symphony, symphony orchestra, tabulate, take up, team, thicket, thrash out, tier, title, tribe, trio, troop, troupe, trust, tuft, tussock, twins, type, union, unit, variety, version, waits, we-group, weigh, whip in, wing, winnow, wisp, woodwind, woodwind choir, woodwind quartet, woodwinds