Англо-русский перевод ZERO-SUM TWO-PERSON GAME

антагонистическая игра двух лиц zero-sum game war game voting game variable-sum game unsymmetric game unsolvable game univalent game uniform game unhomogeneous game unfavorable game unfair game unconstrained game two-sided game truncation of game truncated game trilogic game trapezoidal game training game topological game tic-tac-toe-like game terminal game take-away game tactical game symmetrical game switching game survival game superadditive game strong game stochastic game statistical game standard game stable game solvable game smoothed game single-experiment game simultaneous-move game sequence game semisimple game semidynamic game semidiscrete game semicooperative game search game ruin game rigid game resource game repetitive game reduced game rectangular game reasonable game random game quota game quick game quasidiscrete game quantitative game qualitative game pursuit-evasion game pursuit game projective game programming game prisoner game positional game position of game polynomial game polymatrix game polyhedral game pokerlike game poker game pick-a-number game permutational game pathological game passive game parlor game pair game original game ordinary game ordered set game open game one-sided game one-move game one-component game oligopol game odd-even game number game normalized game nonsymmetric game nonstrategic game nonrecursive game nonnegitiable game nonfinitary game noncooperative game nonconstant sum game nonatomic game non-cooperative game no-solution game network game negotiated game n-person game n-move game multiple game multimove game multidecision game multicomponent game more-than-two-persons game monadic game minimization game military game maximization game mathematical game manual game majorant game lottery game learning game last-player-winning game iterated game isomorphic game interactive game insurance game inspection game inessential game improper game impartial game imitation game heuristic game hand-played game guessing game generalized game general game game of timing game of strategy game of snap game of pursuit game of luck game of kind game of kalah game of exhaustion game of dice game of degree game of craps game of chance game of billiards game model game matrix game machine game interval game function game experiment game element game dynamics game directive game diagram game decomposition game cylinder game cycle fuzzy game four-person game flexible game finitary game favorable game extended game experimental game expansion of game evasion game essential game equitable game end game economic game dynamic game dual-homogeneous game discrete game discounted game dilemma game differential game difference game dialogical game diagonal game deterministic game determined game derived game degenerate game cutthroat game convex-concave game continuous game contest game constant sum game concave-convex game concave game computer-assisted game competitive game combat game coalition-free game coalition game closed game clear game chance-constrained game cautious game card game butterfly-shaped game butterfly game bimatrix game bilinear game bidding game battle game basic game bargaining game balanced game avoidance game auxiliary game autonomous game augmented game attack-defence game atomic game arbitrary game antagonistic game allocation game alliance game algebraic game advantageous game additive game achievement game abstract game absolute game

English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary .      Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь.