(1905) Massacre of peaceful demonstrators in Saint Petersburg, marking the beginning of the Russian Revolution of 1905 .
The priest Georgy Gapon (18701906), hoping to present workers' request for reforms directly to Nicholas II , arranged a peaceful march toward the Winter Palace. Police fired on the demonstrators, killing more than 100 and wounding several hundred more. The massacre was followed by strikes in other cities, peasant uprisings, and mutinies in the armed forces. The term "Bloody Sunday" was also used to describe the murder in Dublin, Ireland (Nov. 21, 1920), of 11 Englishmen suspected of being intelligence agents, by the Irish Republican Army ; the Black and Tan s took revenge and attacked spectators at a football (soccer) match, killing 12 and wounding 60. The term was used again in Londonderry (Derry) when on Jan. 30, 1972, 3 participants in a civil rights march were killed by British soldiers, who allegedly had been fired on by the marchers.