born , Feb. 25, 1755, Nancy, Fr. died July 25, 1835, Richemont French revolutionist, briefly president of the Convention in 1793. Mallarm was brought up in his father's profession as a lawyer and, during the Revolution, was elected by the department of Meurthe as deputy to the Legislative Assembly and the Convention, where he joined the radical Montagnards and voted for the death of Louis XVI. He was made president of the Convention on May 30, 1793, and by his weakness contributed to the fall of the Girondins; he was forced to give up the post on June 2. In November he was sent to establish the revolutionary government in the departments of Meuse and Moselle. After Robespierre's fall he joined the Thermidorians (the anti-Jacobins) and was sent on a mission to the south of France, where he closed the Jacobin club at Toulouse but then set free a number of imprisoned suspects. For this, on June 1, 1795, he was arrested, but soon set free. He held office both under the Directory and the Napoleonic Empire. Appointed subprefect of Avesnes during the Hundred Days, he was imprisoned by the Prussians in revenge for the sentence of death carried out by his orders on some young girls at Verdun who had offered flowers to the Prussians when they entered the town (1793). He lived in exile during the Restoration, returning to France after the Revolution of 1830.

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