Meaning of UNION LEAGUE in English

also called Loyal League, in U.S. history, any of the associations originally organized in the North to inspire loyalty to the Union cause during the American Civil War. During Reconstruction, they spread to the South to ensure Republicans of support among newly enfranchised blacks. Ohio Republicans established the first Union League of America in 1862 to counteract such antiwar groups as the Copperheads and to stem the tide of Democratic political victories resulting from too many Northern defeats on the battleground. Attempting to rouse enthusiasm for the war effort and to infuse new vitality into the Republican Party, the leagues quickly spread throughout the North, serving as a social as well as a political force. As the Federal armies swept southward toward the end of the war, the leagues followed. Under Radical Reconstruction (186577), the societies became the main vehicle for propagandizing the Republican cause among the emancipated blacks. Unwilling to share political power, Southern whites countered by organizing their own secret societies, such as the Ku Klux Klan, to keep blacks from the polls through intimidation and violence. Eventually, the Republican effort to claim some of the fruits of victory was lost by the Union leagues, and the machinery of government in the Southern states gradually reverted to traditional white Democratic control by the end of Reconstruction.

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