Meaning of LIST in English

I. noun

a series of items (as names) written down or printed especially as a memorandum or record

all the people on the list were present

Synonyms: catalog, register, roll, roll call, roster, schedule

Related Word: checklist, handlist; index; inventory

II. verb


Synonyms: enumerate 2, numerate, tick off


Synonyms: itemize 1, enumerate, inventory, particularize, specialize, specify


to enter in a list

his name was not listed in the telephone book

Synonyms: book, catalog, enroll, inscribe

Related Word: file, index, note, post, schedule, tabulate; record, register, roster


Synonyms: enroll 1, register

III. verb

Synonyms: slant 1, cant, heel, incline, lean, recline, slope, tilt, tip

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.