Meaning of DISMISS in English

v. Function: verb


Synonyms: DIVORCE 2, put away, unmarry


Synonyms: DECLINE 4, disapprove, refuse, reject, reprobate, repudiate, spurn, turn down

3 to let go from one's employ or service FF1C; during the recession thousands of employees were dismissed FF1E;

Synonyms: ax, boot (out), bounce, ||can, cashier, discharge, disemploy, drop, fire, kick out, let out, sack, terminate, turn off

Related Words: depose, deselect, displace, furlough, lay off, remove, retire, suspend, unseat; reject, turn away; riff

Idioms: give one the gate ( or one's walking papers), let go; give the ax ( or the can) to

Contrasted Words: hire; contract, engage; get, obtain, procure, secure

Antonyms: employ


Synonyms: EJECT 1, boot (out), chase, chuck, evict, extrude, kick out, out, throw out

Related Words: cast, discard, shed, slough

Idioms: send one to Coventry

5 to refuse to consider seriously FF1C; dismisses the other performers as mere amateurs FF1E;

Synonyms: kiss off, pooh-pooh

Related Words: deride, mock, rally, ridicule, taunt, twit; flout, gibe, gird, jeer, scoff; contemn, despise, disdain, scorn, scout; reject

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.