v. 1 discharge, oust, release, give notice (to), let go, lay off, throw out, toss out, remove, Chiefly military cashier, Old-fashioned military drum out, Brit politics deselect, Colloq fire, send packing, kick out, Brit sack, give (someone) the sack, boot (out), turn off, US give (someone) his or her walking papers, give (someone) a pink slip, can; Slang give (someone) the (old) heave-ho Gabney has been dismissed without notice 2 reject, set aside, repudiate, spurn, discount, disregard, lay aside, put out of one's mind, think no more of, write off, banish, have or be done with, scorn, discard, ignore, shrug off; belittle, diminish, pooh-pooh She dismissed the story as just so much gossip 3 disperse, release, disband, send away After returning from the mission, the commando unit was dismissed
Meaning of DISMISS in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012