Synonyms and related words :
abandon, abjure, absolve, acquit, amnesty, answer, answer conclusively, argue down, ax, banish, beat back, belittle, boot, boot out, bounce, bow out, break, break up, brush aside, brush off, bump, bundle, bundle off, bust, can, cashier, cast, cast loose, chase, chase away, chase off, chuck, chuck out, clear, confound, confute, contemn, contradict, controvert, crush, cut, cut dead, deactivate, debrief, decline, deconsecrate, decontaminate, defeat, defrock, degrade, demob, demobilize, demolish, demote, deny, deplume, depose, deprive, deride, deselect, despise, destigmatize, detach, dethrone, diminish, disapprove, disband, disbar, discard, discharge, disclaim, discount, discrown, disdain, disemploy, disenthrone, disintegrate, disorganize, disown, dispense from, disperse, displace, displume, dispose of, disregard, dissolve, drive away, drive back, drop, drop the subject, drum out, eject, evict, except, exclude, excommunicate, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exempt from, exonerate, expel, extrude, fend off, finish, fire, floor, flout, forget, forget about it, forget it, forgive, forswear, free, furlough, gibe, gird, give absolution, give the air, give the ax, give the gate, give the go-by, go bail for, go separate ways, grant amnesty to, grant bail to, grant immunity, grant remission, have done with, hold off, hustle out, ignore, jeer, justify, keep off, kick, kick out, kick upstairs, lay aside, lay off, let go, let go free, let it go, let loose, let off, let out, let slip, liquidate, look right through, make little of, make redundant, mock, muster out, neglect, nonplus, nonpros, oust, out, overlook, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, pack off, pardon, parole, parry, part, part company, pass by, pass up, pension, pension off, pooh-pooh, purge, push aside, push back, put aside, put away, put back, put on parole, put to silence, quash the charge, rally, read out of, rebuff, rebut, recant, reduce to silence, refuse, refuse to acknowledge, refuse to consider, refuse to recognize, refute, reject, release, remit, remove, remove from office, renounce, repel, replace, reprobate, repudiate, repulse, retire, ridicule, riff, sack, scatter, scoff, scorn, scout, send away, send off, send packing, separate, separate forcibly, set aside, set free, settle, shed, shove away, show the door, show the gate, shrive, shrug off, shut up, silence, slight, slough, smash all opposition, sneeze at, snub, split up, spurn, squash, squelch, strip, strip of office, strip of rank, subvert, superannuate, surplus, suspend, taunt, terminate, think nothing of, throw away, throw out, thrust aside, thrust back, toss out, turn away, turn away from, turn back, turn down, turn off, turn out, twit, unchurch, undermine, unfrock, unhand, unmarry, unsaddle, unseat, unthrone, upset, vindicate, waive, ward off, whitewash, withdraw the charge, write off,