Meaning of GET in English

v. Function: verb

1 to come into possession of FF1C; hoped to get a fortune from his invention FF1E;

Synonyms: acquire, annex, chalk up, compass, gain, have, land, obtain, pick up, procure, pull, secure, win

Related Words: educe, elicit, evoke, extort, extract, ||promote; accept, receive; clutch, grab, grasp, take; accomplish, achieve, effect; capture, carry; draw

Idioms: come by

Contrasted Words: abnegate, eschew, forbear, forgo, give up, sacrifice; abandon, forsake, renounce


Synonyms: EARN 1, acquire, bring in, ||drag down, draw down, gain, knock down, make, win


Synonyms: BECOME 1, come, ||come over, go, grow, run, turn, wax

Related Words: achieve, attain, effect, realize

Idioms: get to be, turn out to be


Synonyms: CONTRACT 1, catch, come down (with), sicken (with or of), take


Synonyms: FATHER 1, beget, breed, procreate, progenerate, sire


Synonyms: PREPARE 1, fit, fix, make, make up, ready

Related Words: arrange, order, right; adjust, coordinate, organize


Synonyms: CATCH 1, bag, capture, collar, ||cotch, nail, prehend, secure, take


Synonyms: AFFECT , carry, impress, influence, inspire, move, strike, sway, touch

Related Words: bend, bias, dispose, predispose, prompt

Contrasted Words: benumb, deaden, numb; blunt, dull, harden


Synonyms: NONPLUS 1, beat, buffalo, stick, stump

Related Words: bother, distress, disturb, perturb, upset; discomfit, disconcert, embarrass


Synonyms: IRRITATE , aggravate, burn (up), exasperate, gall, nettle, peeve, provoke, put out, rile

Idioms: try one's temper

Contrasted Words: calm, compose, cool, lull, soothe, subdue


Synonyms: LEARN 1, master, pick up

Idioms: get into one's head


Synonyms: MEMORIZE , con, learn


Synonyms: INDUCE 1, argue (into), bring around, convince, draw, persuade, prevail (on or upon), prompt, talk (into), win (over)

Related Words: provoke; beg, coax, press, pressure, urge


Synonyms: REACH 4, contact


Synonyms: COME 1, arrive, ||blow in, get in, reach, show, show up, turn up

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.