Meaning of MIX in English

n. Function: verb

1 to combine or be combined into a more or less uniform whole FF1C; mixed the ingredients to make a thick sauce FF1E;

Synonyms: admix, amalgamate, blend, comingle, commingle, commix, compound, fuse, immingle, immix, interblend, interflow, interfuse, intermingle, intermix, make up, meld, merge, mingle

Related Words: associate, combine, conjoin, inosculate, join, link, unite; braid, lump, work in; coalesce; blunge

Contrasted Words: divide, part, separate, sever, sunder


Synonyms: MISTAKE 1, confound, confuse, misdeem, misidentify, mix up

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.