I. ˈmiks verb
( mixed also mixt ˈmikst ; mixed also mixt ; mixing ; mixes )
Etymology: Middle English mixen, from mixte, adjective, mixed, from Middle French, from Latin mixtus, past participle of miscēre to mix; akin to Greek misgein, mignynai, meignynai to mix, Sanskrit miśra mixed, Old Irish mescaim I mix
transitive verb
a. : to stir, shake, or otherwise bring together (different substances) with a loss of separateness or identity : cause to be scattered or diffused throughout : combine (as the ingredients of smokeless powder) in one mass : intermingle thoroughly
mix the flour with a little water
mix the ingredients to a thick paste
mix sand, clay, and humus
mix colors to get the right shade
: put as an ingredient
mix an egg into the batter
: combine with or introduce into a mass already formed : put in disorder : jumble
mix the slips well in the hat and draw one
b. : to bring together (as different kinds of people or things) in close association
a party that mixed people of all ages and interests
mix business with pleasure
charter granting was mixed with politics — J.D.Magee
told in a style that mixes erudition and bawdiness — Saturday Review
2. : to prepare or form by mixing different components
mix a drink at the bar
the principals of integrated schools have been making conscious efforts … to mix their classes — Walter Goodman
3. : confuse
mixed his dates and arrived a week late
intransitive verb
a. : to become mixed : enter into combination : be capable of mixing
a medicine which will mix with water
manual and intellectual labor seldom mix well — H.S.Canby
b. : to be compatible — usually used in negative constructions
insecticides and geese won't mix — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News
2. : to enter into relations : associate
on the streets three classes mingle but do not mix — American Guide Series: Texas
learned to mix with sons of lawyers, doctors, manufacturers — D.W.Brogan
3. : crossbreed
a. : to enter as a participant
a high-priced lawyer … mixing into a case like this — Erle Stanley Gardner
sometimes in an interfering manner
the political crowd mixed in and took over — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union
: become involved : take part
not in keeping with his position as a judge to mix in politics — American Guide Series: Nevada
b. : to become involved in a struggle or fight : tangle
hesitated to mix with someone bigger than he was
mingle , commingle , blend , merge , coalesce , amalgamate , fuse : mix , mingle , and commingle usually describe activities with little or no specific direction, often arising from chance or spontaneous inclination, whereas merge and coalesce frequently suggest the working of time or natural force, and blend , amalgamate , and fuse often imply a conscious endeavor toward unity. mix is the most general term; it usually applies to elements which, though different, are capable of forming a stable and homogeneous product; sometimes mix implies a loss of identity in the elements
to mix colors in painting
but more often the elements are distinguishable in the combination
to mix pepper and salt
to mix a drink
a building of mixed architectural styles
mingle implies that the elements are distinguishable both before and after combining; the combination is looser and the interpenetration less thorough than with mix
a mixed marriage
mixed company
mingled sensations
mingled emotions
a street displaying mingled architectural styles
commingle is almost interchangeable with mingle , but somewhat more intensive
he has brains, wit, humanity, and a delicate acerbity commingled with a robust and refreshing ribaldry — Times Literary Supplement
blend implies a mixing of like or harmonious things in an intimate union which partakes of the qualities of each of its components, while absorbing their individualities
various kinds of coffee may be blended, but coffee is mixed with chicory
kinship with the land … she knew that this transfigured instinct was blended of pity, memory, and passion — Ellen Glasgow
merge emphasizes still more the loss of the constituents in the whole, or the complete absorption of one element into another
still had doubts as to the morality of his procedure, but … these doubts would soon be merged in … admiration of the tactical advantages of his approach — Louis Auchincloss
coalesce suggests a natural and gradual growing of kindred things into an organic whole
the lips of a wound coalesce
the small white clouds of early morning had swollen and coalesced — Osbert Lancaster
touch and smell and sight and hearing come together and coalesce in the commonsense notion of an object — Bertrand Russell
amalgamate implies a union by assimilation, adaptation, or integration without complete loss of individual identity
immigrants of various nationalities are constantly being amalgamated with the native American population
thesis and plot are carefully amalgamated — F.B.Millet
fuse , more than any of the foregoing, stresses the oneness and indissolubility of the resulting product; yet each component plays a necessary and observable part in the whole
one is conscious of the intellectuality and compacted thought which he fuses in emotional expression — H.O.Taylor
in our daily lives we fuse our identities as Jew, as American, and as Israeli — Carl Alpert
what I have done is to fuse together in this book all my ideas past and present on freedom of speech — Zechariah Chafee
- mix it
II. noun
( -es )
1. : an act or process of mixing
arming themselves for a big mix
2. : a product of mixing : mixture: as
a. : a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients for a food usually requiring the addition of only water or sometimes eggs and cooking or baking
roll mix
soup mix
cake made from a packaged mix
an instant pudding mix that needs only milk and mixing
b. : a mixture of materials to form a concrete, mortar, or asphaltic batch
c. : mixture 2d
3. : a state of confusion
so tired he was in a mix
4. : the ratio of different constituents going into a product ; specifically : an often empirical formula giving the proportions and constituents of a mixture (as of scrap, charcoal, ferroalloy) for making steel
5. : dissolve
III. transitive verb
: to produce (a recording) by electronically combining or adjusting sounds from more than one source
IV. noun
1. : a commercially prepared nonalcoholic mixture of ingredients for a mixed drink
mai tai mix
2. : the combination or adjustment of sounds from different sources in a recording
a record with a good mix