Meaning of QUICKEN in English

n. Function: verb

1 to make alive or lively FF1C; warm spring days that quicken the earth FF1E;

Synonyms: animate, enliven, liven, vivificate, vivify

Related Words: activate, energize, vitalize; arouse, awaken, rouse, stir, wake

Contrasted Words: blunt, dull; slow (down)

Antonyms: deaden


Synonyms: PROVOKE 4, excite, galvanize, innervate, innerve, motivate, move, pique, rouse, stimulate

Related Words: activate, actuate, motivate; goad, induce, spur

Contrasted Words: check, halt, interrupt, stall, stay; curb, inhibit, restrain

Antonyms: arrest


Synonyms: SPEED 3, accelerate, hasten, hurry, shake up, step up, swiften

Contrasted Words: bog (down), detain, embog, hang up, mire

Antonyms: slacken

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.