Meaning of QUICKEN in English


Pronunciation: ' kwi-k ə n

Function: verb

Inflected Form: quick · ened ; quick · en · ing \ ' kwi-k ə -ni ŋ , ' kwik-ni ŋ \

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 a : to make alive : REVIVE b : to cause to be enlivened : STIMULATE

2 archaic a : KINDLE b : to cause to burn more intensely

3 : to make more rapid : HASTEN , ACCELERATE < quicken ed her steps>

4 a : to make (a curve) sharper b : to make (a slope) steeper

intransitive verb

1 : to quicken something

2 : to come to life especially : to enter into a phase of active growth and development <seeds quicken ing in the soil>

3 : to reach the stage of gestation at which fetal motion is felt

4 : to shine more brightly <watched the dawn quicken ing in the east>

5 : to become more rapid <her pulse quicken ed at the sight>

– quick · en · er \ ' kwi-k ə -n ə r, ' kwik-n ə r \ noun

synonyms QUICKEN , ANIMATE , ENLIVEN , VIVIFY mean to make alive or lively. QUICKEN stresses a sudden renewal of life or activity especially in something inert <the arrival of spring quickens the earth>. ANIMATE emphasizes the imparting of motion or vitality to what is or might be mechanical or artificial <happiness animated his conversation>. ENLIVEN suggests a stimulus that arouses from dullness or torpidity < enlivened her lectures with humorous anecdotes>. VIVIFY implies a freshening or energizing through renewal of vitality <new blood needed to vivify the dying club>. synonym see in addition PROVOKE

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.