Meaning of SEE in English

n. Function: verb

1 to take cognizance of by physical or mental vision FF1C; saw that the boat was being driven ashore FF1E; FF1C; the only one who saw the truth FF1E;

Synonyms: behold, descry, discern, distinguish, espy, mark, mind, note, notice, observe, perceive, remark, twig, view

Related Words: sight; make out; examine, inspect, scan, scrutinize; penetrate, pierce, probe; consider, study; appraise, ponder, weigh

Idioms: fix one's eyes ( or mind or thoughts) on, occupy oneself with, pay heed ( or attention) to, take notice of

2 to perceive something by means of the eyes FF1C; she sees clearly with her new glasses FF1E;

Synonyms: ||dekko, look, watch

Related Words: gape, gaze, glare, peek, peep, peer, stare

Idioms: give the eye, hold in view, keep one's eye on, lay eyes on, turn one's eyes to


Synonyms: EXPERIENCE 1, have, know, suffer, sustain, undergo


Synonyms: DISCOVER 3, ascertain, catch on, determine, find out, hear, learn, tumble, unearth


Synonyms: THINK 1, conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, feature, imagine, realize, vision, visualize


Synonyms: APPREHEND 1, accept, catch, comprehend, ||dig, follow, grasp, take, take in, understand

Related Words: discern, discriminate, recognize


Synonyms: FORESEE , anticipate, apprehend, divine, forefeel, foreknow, preknow, previse, prevision, visualize

Idioms: see the day when


Synonyms: LOOK 1, mind, watch

Related Words: look out, watch out

Idioms: see to it that


Synonyms: VISIT 2, call, come by, come over, drop (in or by), look in, look up, pop (in), step in, stop (in or by)


Synonyms: DATE , take out


Synonyms: GUIDE , conduct, direct, escort, lead, pilot, route, shepherd, show, steer

Related Words: accompany, go (with); attend

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.