Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Duty is work that you have to do for your job.
Staff must report for ~ at their normal place of work...
My ~ is to look after the animals.
Your duties are tasks which you have to do because they are part of your job.
I carried out my duties conscientiously...
If you say that something is your ~, you believe that you ought to do it because it is your responsibility.
I consider it my ~ to write to you and thank you.
N-SING: oft with poss
Duties are taxes which you pay to the government on goods that you buy.
Import duties still average 30%.
...customs duties...
If someone such as a policeman or a nurse is off ~, they are not working. If someone is on ~, they are working.
I’m off ~...
Extra staff had been put on ~.
PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR