Meaning of SENSE in English

(~s, sensing, ~d)

Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.


Your ~s are the physical abilities of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.

She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her ~s.

...a keen ~ of smell.


see also sixth ~


If you ~ something, you become aware of it or you realize it, although it is not very obvious.

She probably ~d that I wasn’t telling her the whole story...

He looks about him, sensing danger...

Prost had ~d what might happen.

VERB: V that, V n, V wh


If you have a ~ that something is the case, you think that it is the case, although you may not have firm, clear evidence for this belief.

Suddenly you got this ~ that people were drawing themselves away from each other...

There is no ~ of urgency on either side.

N-SING: N that, N of n

see also ~ of occasion


If you have a ~ of guilt or relief, for example, you feel guilty or relieved.

When your child is struggling for life, you feel this overwhelming ~ of guilt...

= feeling

N-SING: N of n


If you have a ~ of something such as duty or justice, you are aware of it and believe it is important.

We must keep a ~ of proportion about all this...

She needs to regain a ~ of her own worth.

N-SING: N of n


Someone who has a ~ of timing or style has a natural ability with regard to timing or style. You can also say that someone has a bad ~ of timing or style.

He has an impeccable ~ of timing...

Her dress ~ is appalling.

N-SING: N of n, also n N

see also ~ of humour


Sense is the ability to make good judgments and to behave sensibly.

...when he was younger and had a bit more ~...

When that doesn’t work they sometimes have the ~ to seek help...


see also common ~


If you say that there is no ~ or little ~ in doing something, you mean that it is not a sensible thing to do because nothing useful would be gained by doing it.

There’s no ~ in pretending this doesn’t happen...

= point

N-SING: with neg, N in -ing, N -ing


A ~ of a word or expression is one of its possible meanings.

...a noun which has two ~s...

Then she remembered that they had no mind in any real ~ of that word.

= meaning



Sense is used in several expressions to indicate how true your statement is. For example, if you say that something is true in a ~, you mean that it is partly true, or true in one way. If you say that something is true in a general ~, you mean that it is true in a general way.

In a ~, both were right...

In one ~, the fact that few new commercial buildings can be financed does not matter...

He’s not the leader in a political ~...

Though his background was modest, it was in no ~ deprived.

PHRASE: PHR with cl


If something makes ~, you can understand it.

He was sitting there saying, ‘Yes, the figures make ~.’

PHRASE: V inflects


When you make ~ of something, you succeed in understanding it.

This is to help her to come to terms with her early upbringing and make ~ of past experiences.

PHRASE: V inflects


If a course of action makes ~, it seems sensible.

It makes ~ to look after yourself...

The project should be re-appraised to see whether it made sound economic ~...

PHRASE: V inflects, oft it PHR to-inf


If you say that someone has come to their ~s or has been brought to their ~s, you mean that they have stopped being foolish and are being sensible again.

Eventually the world will come to its ~s and get rid of them...

PHRASE: V inflects


If you say that someone seems to have taken leave of their ~s, you mean that they have done or said something very foolish. (OLD-FASHIONED)

They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my ~s.

PHRASE: V inflects


If you say that someone talks ~, you mean that what they say is sensible.

PHRASE: V inflects


If you have a ~ that something is true or get a ~ that something is true, you think that it is true. (mainly SPOKEN)

Do you have the ~ that you are loved by the public?

PHRASE: V inflects


to see ~: see see

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