n. 25B6; noun
the sense of touch : SENSORY FACULTY, feeling, sensation, perception; sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.
a sense of guilt : FEELING, awareness, sensation, consciousness, recognition.
a sense of humour : APPRECIATION, awareness, understanding, comprehension, discernment.
she had the sense to press the panic button : WISDOM, common sense, sagacity, discernment, perception; wit, intelligence, cleverness, shrewdness, judgement, reason, logic, brain(s); informal gumption, nous, horse sense, savvy; Brit. informal loaf, common; N. Amer. informal smarts.
I can't see the sense in this : PURPOSE, point, reason, object, motive; use, value, advantage, benefit.
the different senses of well : MEANING, definition, import, signification, significance, purport, implication, nuance; drift, gist, thrust, tenor, message.
25B6; verb she sensed their hostility : DISCERN, feel, observe, notice, recognize, pick up, be aware of, distinguish, make out, identify; comprehend, apprehend, see, appreciate, realize; suspect, have a funny feeling about, have a hunch, divine, intuit; informal catch on to; Brit. informal twig.