v. & n.
v. (digging; past and past part. dug) 1 intr. break up and remove or turn over soil, ground, etc., with a tool, one's hands, (of an animal) claws, etc. 2 tr. a break up and displace (the ground etc.) in this way. b (foll. by up) break up the soil of (fallow land). 3 tr. make (a hole, grave, tunnel, etc.) by digging. 4 tr. (often foll. by up, out) a obtain or remove by digging. b find or discover after searching. 5 tr. (also absol.) excavate (an archaeological site). 6 tr. sl. like, appreciate, or understand. 7 tr. & intr. (foll. by in, into) thrust or poke into or down into. 8 intr. make one's way by digging (dug through the mountainside).
n. 1 a piece of digging. 2 a thrust or poke (a dig in the ribs). 3 colloq. (often foll. by at) a pointed or critical remark. 4 an archaeological excavation. 5 (in pl.) Brit. colloq. lodgings. dig one's feet (or heels or toes) in be obstinate. dig in colloq. begin eating. dig oneself in 1 prepare a defensive trench or pit. 2 establish one's position.
[ ME digge, of uncert. orig.: cf. OE dic ditch ]