Synonyms and related words :
Parthian shot, abide, absorb, abysm, abyss, accept, appreciate, apprehend, assault, assimilate, back answer, backset, bang, bash, bat, be affected, be in tune, be inspired, be involved, be moved, be with one, bear, bear upon, bearing, beat the bushes, beating, belt, bide, biff, blow, bone, bonk, boost, bore, bring in, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, burrow, butt, butt against, care about, catch, catch on, catch the flame, catch the infection, caustic remark, change color, chasm, chop, clip, clout, clump, color with emotion, comeback, comprehend, con, conceive, contemplate, countersink, crack, cram, crop, crop herbs, crowd, cultivate, culture, cut, cutting remark, dash, deepen, delve, depress, dig out, dig up, digest, diggings, dike, dint, dive, dredge, dress, drill, drive, drub, drubbing, drudge, drumming, dump, dwell, echo, elbow, elucubrate, empathize with, enter, examine, excavate, excavation, explore, fag, fallow, fathom, fertilize, fleer, flout, follow, foolery, forage, force, frisk, furrow, fusillade, gather, gather in, get, get hold of, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, gibe, gibing retort, glean, go, go over, go through, goad, gouge, gouge out, grabble, grasp, grind, groove, grub, gulf, hammer, hammer away, hang out, harrow, harvest, have, have it taped, hay, head, hit, hoe, hunt, hurtle, hustle, identify with, jab, jam, jape, jeer, jest, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, ken, knock, know, learn, leg-pull, lick, like, list, live, look around, look round, look through, lower, lucubrate, master, mind, mine, mock, moil, mow, mulch, nose around, nudge, nut, parting shot, peg, peg away, pelt, penetrate, peruse, pick, pierce, pile drive, pit, plod, plow, pluck, plug, plug along, plug away, plunge, plunge into, plunk, poke, poke around, pore over, pound, pound away, practice, press, pressure, probe, prod, prune, pry, punch, push, put-down, put-on, quarry, quip, rake, ram, ram down, rap, rattle, react, read, realize, reap, reap and carry, regard studiously, relate to emotionally, relish, research, respond, restudy, review, root, root out, rude reproach, run, run against, sap, savvy, scoff, scoop, scoop out, scrabble, scrape, scratch, scurrility, search, search through, see, seize, seize the meaning, sense, shaft, shake, share, short answer, shoulder, shove, shovel, sink, slam, slap, slog, slug, smack, smash, smell around, sock, spade, stab, stick, stress, stroke, study, swat, swing, swipe, swot, sympathize with, take, take in, tamp, tattoo, taunt, thin, thin out, thrust, thump, thwack, till, till the soil, toil, travail, trench, trough, tunnel, twit, understand, verbal thrust, vet, wade through, weed, weed out, well, whack, whop, work, work away, workings, yerk,