Pronunciation: ' dig
Function: verb
Inflected Form: dug \ ' d ə g \ ; dig · ging
Etymology: Middle English diggen
Date: 13th century
transitive verb
1 a : to break up, turn, or loosen (as earth) with an implement b : to prepare the soil of < dig a garden>
2 a : to bring to the surface by digging : UNEARTH < dig potatoes> b : to bring to light or out of hiding < dig up facts>
3 : to hollow out or form by removing earth : EXCAVATE < dig a hole>
4 : to drive down so as to penetrate : THRUST
6 a : to pay attention to : NOTICE < dig that fancy hat> b : UNDERSTAND , APPRECIATE <couldn't dig the medical jargon> c : LIKE , ADMIRE <high school students dig short poetry ― David Burmester>
intransitive verb
1 : to turn up, loosen, or remove earth
2 : to work hard or laboriously
3 : to advance by or as if by removing or pushing aside material