n. & v.
n. 1 a a small thin pointed piece of esp. steel wire with a round or flattened head used (esp. in sewing) for holding things in place, attaching one thing to another, etc. b any of several types of pin (drawing-pin; safety pin; hairpin). c a small brooch (diamond pin). d a badge fastened with a pin. 2 a peg of wood or metal for various purposes, e.g. a wooden skittle in bowling. 3 something of small value (don't care a pin; for two pins I'd resign). 4 (in pl.) colloq. legs (quick on his pins). 5 Med. a steel rod used to join the ends of fractured bones while they heal. 6 Chess a position in which a piece is pinned to another. 7 Golf a stick with a flag placed in a hole to mark its position. 8 Mus. a peg round which one string of a musical instrument is fastened. 9 a half-firkin cask for beer.
v.tr. (pinned, pinning) 1 a (often foll. by to, up, together) fasten with a pin or pins (pinned up the hem; pinned the papers together). b transfix with a pin, lance, etc. 2 (usu. foll. by on) fix (blame, responsibility, etc.) on a person etc. (pinned the blame on his friend). 3 (often foll. by against, on, etc.) seize and hold fast. 4 Chess prevent (an opposing piece) from moving except by exposing a more valuable piece to capture. on pins and needles in an agitated state of suspense. pin down 1 (often foll. by to) bind (a person etc.) to a promise, arrangement, etc. 2 force (a person) to declare his or her intentions. 3 restrict the actions or movement of (an enemy etc.). 4 specify (a thing) precisely (could not pin down his unease to a particular cause). 5 hold (a person etc.) down by force. pin one's faith (or hopes etc.) on rely implicitly on. pin-feather Zool. an ungrown feather. pin-high Golf (of a ball) at the same distance ahead as the pin. pin-money 1 hist. an allowance to a woman for dress etc. from her husband. 2 a very small sum of money, esp. for spending on inessentials (only works for pin-money). pins and needles a tingling sensation in a limb recovering from numbness. pin-table a table used in playing pinball. pin-tuck a very narrow ornamental tuck. pin-up 1 a photograph of a popular or sexually attractive person, designed to be hung on the wall. 2 a person shown in such a photograph. pin-wheel a small Catherine wheel. split pin a metal cotter pin passed through a hole and held in place by its gaping split end.
[ OE pinn f. L pinna point etc., assoc. with penna PEN(1) ]