v. 25B6; verb
300 people applied for the job : PUT IN AN APPLICATION, put in, try, bid, appeal, petition, sue, register, audition; request, seek, solicit, claim, ask, try to obtain.
the Act did not apply to Scotland : BE RELEVANT, have relevance, have a bearing, appertain, pertain, relate, concern, affect, involve, cover, deal with, touch; be pertinent, be appropriate, be significant.
she applied some ointment : PUT ON, rub in, work in, spread, smear.
a steady pressure should be applied : EXERT, administer, implement, use, exercise, employ, utilize, bring to bear.
25A0; apply oneself BE DILIGENT, be industrious, be assiduous, show commitment, show dedication; work hard, exert oneself, make an effort, try hard, do one's best, give one's all, buckle down, put one's shoulder to the wheel, keep one's nose to the grindstone; strive, endeavour, struggle, labour, toil; pay attention, commit oneself, devote oneself; persevere, persist; informal put one's back in it, knuckle down, get stuck in.