Meaning of APPLY in English

— appliable , adj. — appliableness , n. — appliably , adv. — applier , n.

/euh pluy"/ , v. , applied, applying .


1. to make use of as relevant, suitable, or pertinent: to apply a theory to a problem.

2. to put to use, esp. for a particular purpose: to apply pressure to open a door.

3. to bring into action; use; employ: He applied the brakes and skidded to a stop.

4. to use a label or other designation: Don't apply any such term to me.

5. to use for or assign to a specific purpose: He applied a portion of his salary each week to savings.

6. to put into effect: They applied the rules to new members only.

7. to devote or employ diligently or with close attention: to apply one's mind to a problem; to apply oneself to a task.

8. to place in contact with; lay or spread on: to apply paint to a wall; to apply a bandage to a wound.

9. to bring into physical contact with or close proximity to: to apply a match to gunpowder.

10. to credit to, as an account: to apply $10 to his account at the store.


11. to be pertinent, suitable, or relevant: The argument applies to the case. The theory doesn't apply.

12. to make an application or request; ask: to apply for a job; to apply for a raise.

13. to lay or spread on: The plastic coating is easy to apply on any surface.

14. to be placed or remain in contact: This paint doesn't apply very easily.

[ 1350-1400; ME ap ( p ) lien ap ( p ) lier applicare, equiv. to ap- AP- 1 + plicare to fold; see PLY 2 ]

Syn. 3. utilize. 5. appropriate, allot, assign, dedicate. 12. petition, sue, entreat.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .