n. 25B6; noun
the end of the road : EXTREMITY, furthermost part, limit; margin, edge, border, boundary, periphery; point, tip, tail end; N. Amer. tag end.
the end of the novel : CONCLUSION, termination, ending, finish, close, resolution, climax, finale, culmination, denouement; epilogue, coda, peroration.
a cigarette end : BUTT, stub, stump, remnant; informal fag end, dog end.
wealth is a means and not an end in itself : AIM, goal, purpose, objective, object, holy grail, target; intention, intent, design, motive; aspiration, wish, desire, ambition.
the commercial end of the business : ASPECT, side, section, area, field, part, share, portion, segment, province.
his end might come at any time : DEATH, dying, demise, passing, expiry, quietus; doom, extinction, annihilation, extermination, destruction; downfall, ruin, ruination, Waterloo; informal curtains; formal decease.
25B6; verb
the show ended with a wedding scene : FINISH, conclude, terminate, come to an end, draw to a close, close, stop, cease; culminate, climax. build up to, lead up to, come to a head.
she ended their relationship : BREAK OFF, call off, bring to an end, put an end to, stop, finish, terminate, discontinue; dissolve, cancel, annul.