n. 25B6; noun
assess the fabric by feeling : (SENSE OF) TOUCH, feel, tactile sense, using one's hands.
a feeling of nausea : SENSATION, sense, consciousness.
I had a feeling that I would win : (SNEAKING) SUSPICION, notion, inkling, hunch, funny feeling, feeling in one's bones, fancy, idea; presentiment, premonition; informal gut feeling.
the strength of her feeling : LOVE, affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, warmness, emotion, sentiment; passion, ardour, desire.
out of touch with public feeling : SENTIMENT, emotion; opinion, attitude, belief, ideas, views.
a rush of feeling : COMPASSION, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, tenderness, (brotherly) love; pity, sorrow, commiseration.
he had hurt her feelings : SENSIBILITIES, sensitivities, self-esteem, pride.
my feeling is that it is true : OPINION, belief, view, impression, intuition, instinct, hunch, estimation, guess.
a feeling of peace : ATMOSPHERE, ambience, aura, air, feel, mood, impression, spirit, quality, flavour; informal vibrations, vibes.
a remarkable feeling for language : APTITUDE, knack, flair, bent, talent, gift, faculty, ability.
25B6; adjective a feeling man : SENSITIVE, warm, warm-hearted, tender, tender-hearted, caring, sympathetic, kind, compassionate, understanding, thoughtful.