Synonyms and related words :
action, affect, affection, affectional, affective, affectivity, air, ambiance, ambience, analog process, analytic, appreciation, appreciation of differences, appreciativeness, ardency, ardor, artistic judgment, assumption, atmosphere, attitude, aura, awareness, behavior, behavior pattern, belief, benevolence, breath, brush, caress, caressing, clairvoyant, clemency, climate, climate of opinion, commiseration, common belief, community sentiment, compassion, compassionate, conceit, concept, conception, concern, conclusion, condolence, connoisseurship, consciousness, consensus gentium, consideration, contact, conviction, critical niceness, criticalness, cutaneous sense, delicacy, demonstrative, digital process, discriminating taste, discriminatingness, discrimination, discriminativeness, emotiometabolic, emotiomotor, emotion, emotional, emotional charge, emotional shade, emotions, emotiovascular, emotive, emotivity, empathy, estimate, estimation, ethos, examinational, examinatorial, examining, experience, explorational, explorative, exploratory, eye, fact-finding, fastidiousness, favor, feel, feeling tone, feelings, fervency, fervor, fine palate, finesse, fingering, fingertip caress, flick, forbearance, foreboding, forefeeling, forgiveness, friction, frottage, funny feeling, general belief, glance, glandular, grace, graze, groping, gut, gut reaction, hand-mindedness, handling, heartthrob, heat, heuristic, hint, humanity, humor, hunch, hunting, idea, identification, impression, imprint, indagative, inkling, input oscillation, inspectional, inspectorial, instinct, intensity, intimation, intuition, intuitional, intuitive, intuitive impression, investigational, investigative, investigatory, judgment, judiciousness, kindness, kiss, lambency, lap, leniency, lick, light touch, lights, making distinctions, manipulation, mental attitude, mercy, milieu, mind, mitigation, mood, mystique, niceness of distinction, nicety, note, notion, observation, of soul, offset, opinion, oscillatory behavior, outlook, overcorrection of error, overdemonstrative, overshoot, overtone, palate, palpability, palpation, pardon, passion, pathos, percept, perceptibility, perception, personal judgment, persuasion, petting, pity, point of view, popular belief, position, posture, preapprehension, precognitive, premonition, presentiment, pressure, presumption, prevailing belief, process, profound sense, psychology, public belief, public opinion, quality, quarter, reaction, refined discrimination, refined palate, refinement, regard, relief, reprieve, response, response to stimuli, responsiveness, rub, rubbing, ruth, second-sighted, selectiveness, self-excitation, self-pity, sensation, sense, sense impression, sense of touch, sense perception, sensibilities, sensibility, sensing, sensitive, sensitivity, sensory experience, sentient, sentiment, sight, soulful, spirit, stance, stroke, stroking, subtlety, susceptibilities, suspicion, sympathetic, sympathies, sympathy, tact, tactfulness, tactile sense, taction, tangibility, tap, taste, temper, tender, tenderness, tentative, tentative poke, testing, theory, thinking, thought, tone, touch, touching, trying, undercurrent, understanding, undertone, vague feeling, vague idea, vehemence, vein, view, visceral, warmth, way of thinking, whisper, zetetic