Meaning of LIGHT in English

n. 25B6; adjective

it's light and portable : EASY TO LIFT, not heavy, lightweight; easy to carry, portable.

a light cotton robe : FLIMSY, lightweight, insubstantial, thin; delicate, floaty, gauzy, gossamer, diaphanous.

she is light on her feet : NIMBLE, agile, lithe, limber, lissom, graceful; light-footed, fleet-footed, quick, quick-moving, spry, sprightly; informal twinkle-toed; poetic/literary fleet, lightsome.

a light soil : FRIABLE, sandy, easily dug, workable, crumbly, loose.

a light dinner : SMALL, modest, simple, easily digested.

light duties : EASY, simple, undemanding, untaxing; informal cushy.

his eyes gleamed with light mockery : GENTLE, mild, moderate, slight; playful, light-hearted.

light reading : ENTERTAINING, lightweight, diverting, undemanding, middle-of-the-road; frivolous, superficial, trivial.

a light heart : CAREFREE, light-hearted, cheerful, cheery, happy, merry, jolly, blithe, bright, sunny; buoyant, bubbly, jaunty, bouncy, breezy, optimistic, positive, upbeat, ebullient; dated gay.

this is no light matter : UNIMPORTANT, insignificant, trivial, trifling, petty, inconsequential, superficial.

light footsteps : GENTLE, delicate, soft, dainty; faint, indistinct.

her head felt light : DIZZY, giddy, light-headed, faint, vertiginous; informal woozy.

(archaic) light women : PROMISCUOUS, loose, wanton.


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