Meaning of MARK in English

n. 25B6; noun

a dirty mark : BLEMISH, streak, spot, fleck, dot, blot, stain, smear, speck, speckle, blotch, smudge, smut, fingermark, fingerprint; bruise, discoloration; birthmark; informal splotch, splodge; technical stigma; poetic/literary smirch.

a punctuation mark : SYMBOL, sign, character; diacritic.

books bearing the mark of a well-known bookseller : LOGO, seal, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, device, insignia, badge, brand, trademark, monogram, hallmark, logotype, watermark.

unemployment passed the three million mark : POINT, level, stage, degree.

a mark of respect : SIGN, token, symbol, indication, badge, emblem; symptom, evidence, proof.

the war left its mark on him : IMPRESSION, imprint, traces; effect, impact, influence.

the mark of a civilized society : CHARACTERISTIC, feature, trait, attribute, quality, hallmark, badge, stamp, property, indicator.

he got good marks for maths : GRADE, grading, rating, score, percentage.

the bullet missed its mark : TARGET, goal, aim, bullseye; objective, object, end.

25B6; verb

be careful not to mark the paintwork : DISCOLOUR, stain, smear, smudge, streak, blotch, blemish; dirty, pockmark, bruise; informal splotch, splodge; poetic/literary smirch.

her possessions were clearly marked : PUT ONE'S NAME ON, name, initial, label; hallmark, watermark, brand.

I've marked the relevant passages : INDICATE, label, flag, tick; show, identify, designate, delineate, denote.

a festival to mark the town's 200th anniversary : CELEBRATE, observe, recognize, acknowledge, keep, honour, solemnize, pay tribute to, salute, commemorate, remember, memorialize.

the incidents marked a new phase in their campaign : REPRESENT, signify, be a sign of, indicate, herald.

his style is marked by simplicity and concision : CHARACTERIZE, distinguish, identify, typify, brand, signalize, stamp.

I have a pile of essays to mark : ASSESS, evaluate, appraise, correct; N. Amer. grade.

it'll cause trouble, you mark my words! : TAKE HEED OF, pay heed to, heed, listen to, take note of, pay attention to, attend to, note, mind, bear in mind, take into consideration.

25A0; make one's mark BE SUCCESSFUL, distinguish oneself, succeed, be a success, prosper, get ahead/on, make good; informal make it, make the grade, find a place in the sun.

25A0; mark something down REDUCE, decrease, lower, cut, put down, discount; informal slash.

25A0; mark someone out

his honesty marked him out from the rest : SET APART, separate, single out, differentiate, distinguish.

she is marked out for fame : DESTINE, ordain, predestine, preordain.

25A0; mark something up INCREASE, raise, up, put up, hike (up), escalate; informal jack up.

25A0; of mark (dated) IMPORTANT, distinguished, eminent, pre-eminent, prominent, notable, famous, great, prestigious; of importance, of consequence, of note, of high standing, of distinction.

25A0; quick off the mark ALERT, quick, quick-witted, bright, clever, perceptive, sharp, sharp-witted, observant, wide awake, on one's toes; informal on the ball, quick on the uptake.

25A0; wide of the mark INACCURATE, incorrect, wrong, erroneous, off target, off beam, out, mistaken, misguided, misinformed.

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