Meaning of MEAN in English

n. 25B6; verb

flashing lights mean the road is blocked : SIGNIFY, convey, denote, designate, indicate, connote, show, express, spell out; stand for, represent, symbolize; imply, suggest, intimate, hint at, insinuate, drive at, refer to, allude to; poetic/literary betoken.

she didn't mean to break it : INTEND, aim, plan, design, have in mind, contemplate, purpose, propose, set out, aspire, desire, want, wish, expect.

he was hit by a bullet meant for a soldier : INTEND, design; destine, predestine.

the closures will mean a rise in unemployment : ENTAIL, involve, necessitate, lead to, result in, give rise to, bring about, cause, engender, produce.

this means a lot to me : MATTER, be important, be significant.

a red sky in the morning usually means rain : PRESAGE, portend, foretell, augur, promise, foreshadow, herald, signal, bode; poetic/literary betoken, foretoken.

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