Meaning of MEAN in English

n. 25B6; adjective

he's too mean to leave a tip : MISERLY, niggardly, close-fisted, parsimonious, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, Scrooge-like; informal tight-fisted, stingy, tight, mingy, money-grubbing; N. Amer. informal cheap; formal penurious; archaic near, niggard.

a mean trick : UNKIND, nasty, unpleasant, spiteful, malicious, unfair, cruel, shabby, foul, despicable, contemptible, obnoxious, vile, odious, loathsome, base, low; informal horrible, horrid, hateful, rotten, low-down; Brit. informal beastly.

the truth was obvious to even the meanest intelligence : INFERIOR, poor, limited, restricted.

her flat was mean and cold : SQUALID, shabby, dilapidated, sordid, seedy, slummy, sleazy, insalubrious, wretched, dismal, dingy, miserable, run down, down at heel; informal scruffy, scuzzy, crummy, grungy; Brit. informal grotty.

a man of mean birth : LOWLY, humble, ordinary, low, low-born, modest, common, base, proletarian, plebeian, obscure, undistinguished, ignoble; archaic baseborn.

(informal) he's a mean cook. : See excellent .

generous, kind, luxurious, noble.

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