Meaning of SEA in English

n. 25B6; noun

the sea sparkled in the sun : (THE) OCEAN, the waves; informal the drink; Brit. informal the briny; poetic/literary the deep, the main, the foam. See list.

the boat overturned in the heavy seas : WAVES, swell, breakers, rollers, combers; informal boomers.

a sea of roofs and turrets : EXPANSE, stretch, area, tract, sweep, blanket, sheet, carpet, mass; multitude, host, profusion, abundance, plethora.

marine, maritime, nautical.


25B6; adjective sea creatures : MARINE, ocean, oceanic; saltwater, seawater; ocean-going, seagoing, seafaring; maritime, naval, nautical; technical pelagic, thalassic.

25A0; at sea CONFUSED, perplexed, puzzled, baffled, mystified, bemused, bewildered, nonplussed, disconcerted, disoriented, dumbfounded, at a loss, at sixes and sevens; informal flummoxed, bamboozled, fazed; N. Amer. informal discombobulated; archaic wildered, mazed.

Seas and Oceans

Adriatic Sea Inland Sea

Aegean Sea Ionian Sea

Andaman Sea Irish Sea

Antarctic Ocean Japan, Sea of

Arabian Sea Java Sea

Arafura Sea Kara Sea

Aral Sea Laptev Sea

Arctic Ocean Ligurian Sea

Atlantic Ocean Marmara, Sea of

Azov, Sea of Mediterranean Sea

Baltic Sea North Sea

Banda Sea Okhotsk, Sea of

Barents Sea Pacific Ocean

Beaufort Sea Red Sea

Bellingshausen Sea Ross Sea

Bering Sea Sargasso Sea

Black Sea Savu Sea

Caribbean Sea Scotia Sea

Caspian Sea South China Sea

China Sea Southern Ocean

Chukchi Sea Sulu Sea

Coral Sea Tasman Sea

Dead Sea Timor Sea

East China Sea Tyrrhenian Sea

Flores Sea Weddell Sea

Galilee, Sea of White Sea

Greenland Sea Yellow Sea

Indian Ocean

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