Meaning of DRAW in English

■ verb ( past drew ; past participle ~n )

1》 produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper.

↘trace or produce (a line) on a surface.

2》 pull or drag (a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind.

↘pull or move (something) in a specified direction.

↘pull (curtains) shut or open.

3》 arrive at a specified stage or point in time: the campaign drew to a close.

4》 extract from a container or receptacle: he drew his gun.

↘( ~ from ) obtain from (a particular source).

↘( ~ on ) use as a resource: Sue has a lot of experience to ~ on.

5》 take in (a breath).

↘( ~ on ) suck smoke from (a cigarette or pipe).

↘(of a chimney or fire) allow air to flow in and upwards freely, so that a fire can burn.

6》 be the cause of (a specified response).

↘attract to a place or an event.

↘induce to reveal or do something: he refused to be ~n on what would happen.

↘direct or attract (someone's attention).

7》 conclude by deduction or inference.

↘make (a comparison or distinction).

8》 finish (a contest or game) with an even score.

9》 Bowls cause (a bowl) to travel in a curve to the desired point.

↘ Golf hit (the ball) so that it travels slightly to the left (for a left-handed player, the right).

10》 make (wire) by pulling metal through successively smaller holes.

11》 (of a ship) require (a specified depth of water) to float in.

12》 (of a sail) be filled with wind.

13》 historical disembowel.

14》 Hunting search (cover) for game.

■ noun

1》 an act of selecting names randomly, to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc.

2》 a game or match that ends with the scores even.

↘ Cricket a game which is left incomplete for lack of time. Compare with tie .

3》 an attractive or interesting person or thing: the big city was a powerful ~ to youngsters.

4》 an act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette.

↘ informal cannabis.

5》 Golf a shot which ~s the ball.


~ blood cause someone to bleed.

~ someone's fire attract hostile criticism away from a more important target.

~ the line at set a limit of what one is willing to do or accept.

Phrasal verbs

~ back choose not to take an expected course of action.

~ in (of successive days) become shorter or (of nights) start earlier, because of the changing seasons.

~ on (of a period of time) approach its end.

~ out (of successive days) become longer because of the changing seasons.

~ someone out subtly persuade someone to be more talkative.

~ something out prolong or extend something.

~ up come to a halt.

~ something up prepare a plan or document in detail.


OE dragan , of Gmc origin; related to draught .


On the confusion of ~ and ~er , see usage at ~er .

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