■ noun each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is included).
↘a measure of spirits in a glass, based on the breadth of a ~.
■ verb
1》 touch or feel with the ~s.
2》 (usu. ~ someone for ) informal, chiefly N. Amer. inform on to the police.
↘identify or select.
3》 Music play (a passage) with a particular sequence of positions of the ~s.
↘mark (music) with signs indicating the ~ing.
be all ~s and thumbs Brit. informal be clumsy.
pull one's ~ out Brit. informal cease prevaricating and start to act.
get one's ~s burned (or burnt ) (or burn one's ~s) suffer unpleasant consequences as a result of one's actions.
give someone the ~ N. Amer. informal make a gesture with the middle ~ raised as an obscene sign of contempt.
have a ~ in the pie be involved in a matter.
have (or keep ) one's ~ on the pulse be aware of the latest trends.
lay a ~ on touch (someone), especially with the intention of harming them.
put the ~ on informal inform on.
put one's ~ on identify (something) exactly.
snap (or click ) one's ~s make a sharp clicking sound by bending the last joint of the middle ~ against the thumb and suddenly releasing it.
-~ed adjective
~less adjective
OE, of Gmc origin.