Meaning of BUSH in English

n. 1 a shrub or clump of shrubs with stems of moderate length. 2 a thing resembling this, esp. a clump of hair or fur. 3 (esp. in Australia and Africa) a wild uncultivated district; woodland or forest. 4 hist. a bunch of ivy as a vintner's sign. øbush-baby (pl. -ies) a small African tree-climbing lemur; a galago. bush basil a culinary herb, Ocimum minimum. bush jacket a light cotton jacket with a belt. bush lawyer 1 Austral. & NZ a person claiming legal knowledge without qualifications for it. 2 NZ a bramble. bush-ranger hist. an Australian outlaw living in the bush. bush sickness a disease of animals due to a lack of cobalt in the soil. bush telegraph rapid spreading of information, a rumour, etc. go bush Austral. leave one's usual surroundings; run wild. [ME f. OE & ON, ult. f. Gmc]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.