bush 1
— bushless , adj. — bushlike , adj.
/boosh/ , n.
1. a low plant with many branches that arise from or near the ground.
2. a small cluster of shrubs appearing as a single plant.
3. something resembling or suggesting this, as a thick, shaggy head of hair.
4. Also called bush lot . Canadian. a small, wooded lot, esp. a farm lot with trees left standing to provide firewood, fence posts, etc.
5. the tail of a fox; brush.
6. Geog. a stretch of uncultivated land covered with mixed plant growth, bushy vegetation, trees, etc.
7. a large uncleared area thickly covered with mixed plant growth, trees, etc., as a jungle.
8. a large, sparsely populated area most of which is uncleared, as areas of Australia and Alaska.
9. a tree branch hung as a sign before a tavern or vintner's shop.
10. any tavern sign.
11. Slang ( vulgar ). pubic hair.
12. Archaic. a wineshop.
13. beat around or about the bush , to avoid coming to the point; delay in approaching a subject directly: Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want.
14. beat the bushes , to scout or search for persons or things far and wide: beating the bushes for engineers.
15. go bush , Australian.
a. to flee or escape into the bush.
b. Slang. to become wild.
16. to be or become bushy; branch or spread as or like a bush.
17. to cover, protect, support, or mark with a bush or bushes.
18. bush-league.
[ bef. 1000; ME busshe, OE busc (in place-names); c. D bos wood, G Busch, ON buskr bush ]
bush 2
/boosh/ , n.
1. a lining of metal or the like set into an orifice to guard against wearing by friction, erosion, etc.
2. a bushing.
3. to furnish with a bush; line with metal.
[ 1560-70; bussche; see BOX 1 ]