transcription, транскрипция: [ sauθ ]
n., adj., adv., & v. --n. 1 the point of the horizon 90Û clockwise from east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. 4 (usu. the South) a the part of the world or a country or a town lying to the south. b the Southern States of the US. 5 Bridge a player occupying the position designated 'south'. --adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing the south (a south wall; south country). 2 coming from the south (south wind). --adv. 1 towards, at, or near the south (they travelled south). 2 (foll. by of) further south than. --v.intr. 1 move towards the south. 2 (of a celestial body) cross the meridian. øSouth African adj. of or relating to the republic of South Africa. --n. 1 a native or national of South Africa. 2 a person of South African descent. South American adj. of or relating to South America. --n. a native or citizen of South America. south by east (or west) between south and south-south-east (or south-south-west). south-east n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between south and east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. --adj. of, towards, or coming from the south-east. --adv. towards, at, or near the south-east. South-East the part of a country or town lying to the south-east. south-easterly adj. & adv. = south-east. south-eastern lying on the south-east side. south pole see POLE(2). South Sea the southern Pacific Ocean. South Sea Bubble hist. a scheme for trading in the southern hemisphere to repay the British national debt, which started and collapsed in 1720. south-south-east the point or direction midway between south and south-east. south-south-west the point or direction midway between south and south-west. south-west n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between south and west. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. --adj. of, towards, or coming from the south-west. --adv. towards, at, or near the south-west. South-West the part of a country or town lying to the south-west. south-westerly adj. & adv. = south-west. south-western lying on the south-west side. south wind a wind blowing from the south. to the south (often foll. by of) in a southerly direction. [OE suth]