I. ˈsau̇th adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sūth; akin to Old High German sund- south and probably to Old English sunne sun
Date: before 12th century
1. : to, toward, or in the south
a house facing south
2. : into a state of decline or ruin
causes the sluggish economy to go south — G. F. Will
II. adjective
Date: 12th century
1. : situated toward or at the south
the south entrance
2. : coming from the south
a south wind
III. noun
Date: 13th century
a. : the direction of the south terrestrial pole : the direction to the right of one facing east
b. : the compass point directly opposite to north
2. capitalized : regions or countries lying to the south of a specified or implied point of orientation ; especially : the southeastern part of the United States
3. : the right side of a church looking toward the altar from the nave
4. often capitalized
a. : the one of four positions at 90-degree intervals that lies to the south or at the bottom of a diagram
b. : a person (as a bridge player) occupying this position in the course of a specified activity ; specifically : the declarer in bridge
5. often capitalized : the developing nations of the world : third world 3 — compare north 2b