Meaning of IN SEASON in English

{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. {literary} At the proper or best time. * /Fred's father told him that he was not old enough yet but that he would learn to drive in season./ 2a. At the right or lawful time for hunting or catching. * /Deer will be in season next week./ * /In spring we'll go fishing when trout are in season./ 2b. At the right time or condition for using, eating, or marketing; in a ripe or eatable condition. * /Christmas trees will be sold at the store in season./ * /Native tomatoes will be in season soon./ * /Oysters are in season during the "R" months./ Compare: IN GOOD TIME. Contrast: OUT OF SEASON.

Dictionary of English idioms .      Словарь английских идиом.