Meaning of SIDE in English


1. the part that is furthest from the middle

2. one of the two areas on either side of a line, wall, river etc

3. one of two sides of something thin and flat

4. not the front, back, top, or bottom

5. the left or right half of an object, area, or road

6. towards the side, or from side to side


see also




1. the part that is furthest from the middle

▷ side /saɪd/ [countable noun]

one of the parts of an area that is furthest from the middle and closest to the edge :

side of

▪ Two men were sitting at the side of the road.

▪ Dancers came on from both sides of the stage.

▪ People had formed a long queue that went around the sides of the room.

on the side (of something)

▪ Just put your things over there on the side.

▪ There were high walls on all four sides of the prison yard.

▷ edge /edʒ/ [countable noun]

the part around an object or area that is furthest from its centre, or the part along its side where its surface ends :

▪ A group of children were playing at the water’s edge.

edge of

▪ The edges of the carpet were torn.

▪ Keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall.

on the edge of something

▪ He set the ashtray down on the edge of the table.

at the edge of something

next to the edge

▪ We camped right at the edge of the desert.

▷ end /end/ [countable noun]

one of the two parts of a long object or area that are furthest from each other :

end of

▪ He cut a thick slice from the end of the loaf.

at one end of something

▪ Mrs Deacon sat at one end of the long table and I sat at the other.

at both ends

▪ There are scoreboards at both ends of the stadium.

at each end

▪ A boy was carrying a stick across his shoulders with a pail of water at each end.

▷ margin /ˈmɑːʳdʒɪn, ˈmɑːʳdʒən/ [countable noun]

the empty space on the left or right side of a page of writing :

▪ Someone had written a note in the left-hand margin.

▪ She widened the margins so her essay would look longer.

2. one of the two areas on either side of a line, wall, river etc

▷ side /saɪd/ [countable noun]

▪ A small river cuts through the property with the house on one side and the gardens on the other.

side of

▪ This side of the fence is private property.

▪ From the other side of the wall came the sounds of children playing.

▷ bank /bæŋk/ [countable noun]

the land along the side of a river :

▪ The sun was setting behind the opposite bank.

on the bank/banks of something

▪ They were building a new theatre on the south bank of the Thames.

▪ Portland is a sprawling city on the banks of the Willamette River.

3. one of two sides of something thin and flat

▷ side /saɪd/ [countable noun]

one of two sides of something that is very thin and flat, for example a piece of paper, a leaf or a coin etc :

▪ Instructions on how to get there are on the other side.

side of

▪ Look at the beautiful decorations on this side of the coin.

4. not the front, back, top, or bottom

▷ side /saɪd/ [countable noun]

one of the two surfaces of a building, vehicle, or object that is not the front, back, top, or bottom :

▪ One of its sides was covered with intricate patterns.

side of

▪ A truck ran into the side of the car, killing the driver and two passengers.

on the side of something

▪ Something had been inscribed on the side of the box.

at the side of something

▪ There was another entrance at the side of the building.

5. the left or right half of an object, area, or road

▷ side /saɪd/ [countable noun]

▪ OK, let’s have all the girls on this side and all the boys on that side.

side of

▪ You stay on your side of the bed and I’ll stay on mine.

▪ The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

on the left-hand/right-hand/other side

▪ In Japan they drive on the left-hand side of the road.

6. towards the side, or from side to side

▷ sideways /ˈsaɪdweɪz/ [adverb]

moving, looking, or facing to the left or right instead of straight ahead :

▪ The car skidded sideways off the road.

▪ Tony swayed sideways but caught himself before he fell.

▪ If we turn the chest sideways, I think we can get it through the door.

▷ to one side/to the side /tə ˌwʌn ˈsaɪd, tə ðə ˈsaɪd/ [adverb]

if someone or something moves to one side or to the side, they move from where they are to the left or to the right :

▪ She pushed her plate to one side and leaned forward.

▪ Could you move a little to the side so we can get past?

▷ from side to side /frəm ˌsaɪd tə ˈsaɪd/ [adverb]

moving continuously, first to one side then to the other :

▪ The tractor swayed from side to side, almost throwing me out of my seat.

▪ Ezra rocked impatiently from side to side as he waited.

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