Meaning of STRONG in English


1. having a strong body

2. strong and healthy, and able to deal with illnesses, difficult conditions etc

3. physical strength

4. strong thing/material

5. to make something stronger

6. a strong feeling/belief




strong taste : ↑ TASTE

strong smell : ↑ SMELL

see also










1. having a strong body

▷ strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective]

someone who is strong has big muscles and can lift heavy things, do a lot of physical work etc :

▪ It took four strong men to lift the piano.

▪ Unless you have very strong arms, get a workman to do the drilling for you.

big and strong

▪ Sarah’s big and strong, just like the men she works with.

as strong as an ox

very strong

▪ Twenty years of working in the steel mill had made him as strong as an ox.

▷ powerful /ˈpaʊəʳf ə l/ [adjective]

very strong - use this about someone’s body, arms, muscles etc :

▪ He was a tall man with a powerful physique.

▷ muscular /ˈmʌskjɑləʳ/ [adjective]

someone who is muscular looks strong because you can see that they have big muscles :

▪ She liked men who were tall and muscular.

▪ He had broad shoulders and muscular arms.

▪ He kept his firm muscular body in shape with an hour’s run every morning.

▷ well-built /ˌwel ˈbɪlt◂/ [adjective]

a well-built man is strong and tall in an attractive way :

▪ A well-built young man in uniform came to our table and asked the time.

▪ Witnesses have described the attacker as white, six feet tall and well-built.

▷ strapping /ˈstræpɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun]

a strapping young man or young woman is strong, tall, and looks healthy and active :

▪ She remembered Martin as a strapping youth with a big appetite.

▪ The farmer’s daughters were a fine pair of strapping young girls.

▷ brawny /ˈbrɔːni/ [adjective]

strong, with big muscles - use this especially to talk about someone who looks physically strong rather than intelligent :

▪ The gardener’s assistant arrived -- a brawny youth who never said a word.

▪ He had a football player’s physique: big head, thick neck, brawny shoulders, and heavy legs.

2. strong and healthy, and able to deal with illnesses, difficult conditions etc

▷ strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective]

▪ She had three young daughters, all strong and healthy.

▪ After a week in bed I felt strong enough to try walking a few steps.

have a strong constitution

have a naturally strong and healthy body

▪ Despite his strong constitution, his health was beginning to suffer.

▷ sturdy /ˈstɜːʳdi/ [adjective]

strong and healthy-looking, and a little short :

▪ Maria was small and sturdy, with dark hair and dark eyes.

▪ Mrs Harding herself was thin and frail but her son was a sturdy sixteen-year- old.

▪ The ponies used underground were sturdy little animals that came originally from Northern Spain.

▷ robust /rəˈbʌst, ˈrəʊbʌst/ [adjective]

someone who is robust, is strong and healthy and unlikely to become ill or get tired easily :

▪ Though he was over seventy, he was still robust and active.

▪ Less robust persons might need a siesta, but Eva worked right through from dawn till dusk.

▷ hardy /ˈhɑːʳdi/ [adjective]

people who are hardy are naturally strong and healthy and can live in very difficult or uncomfortable conditions :

▪ The people who lived in the hills were a hardy and hard-working race.

▪ Charolais cattle do not like rain or too much cold. They are not hardy animals.

▷ tough /tʌf/ [adjective]

physically and mentally strong, so that you can live through very difficult conditions :

▪ When Aunt Agnes caught cholera out in India, we all expected her to die -- but she’s a tough old lady and she pulled through.

▪ I know she’s only a kid, but she’s tough.

▷ resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/ [adjective]

someone who is resilient, especially a young person, is strong and healthy, so that they are only affected for a short time by illness, difficulties, or sudden changes in their lives :

▪ Amy will soon be out of hospital -- children of her age are very resilient.

▪ Being twenty-three years old and quite resilient, I got over the shock pretty quickly.

3. physical strength

▷ strength /streŋθ, strenθ/ [uncountable noun]

the ability to lift or carry heavy things, to do a lot of physical work etc :

▪ Men are better at some sports because of their greater physical strength.

▪ Regular gym sessions will improve both your health and strength.

▪ I didn’t have the strength to climb any further.

▪ Diana pulled on the rope with all her strength.

build up your strength

▪ Bill was doing a lot of exercise to build up his strength.

▷ power /ˈpaʊəʳ/ [uncountable noun]

a lot of physical strength in a particular part of your body :

▪ Mike had tremendous power in his forearms.

▪ A dynamometer is used to measure muscle power.

▷ brawn /brɔːn/ [uncountable noun]

physical strength, use this especially to compare strength with intelligence or skill :

▪ You can’t be good at tennis if you rely on brawn alone -- it takes skill as well.

▪ The battle was won by brain rather than brawn.

▷ force /fɔːʳs/ [uncountable noun]

physical strength that is needed to be able to push, pull, or lift something :

▪ I had to use force to get the window open.

physical force

▪ The use of physical force by teachers tended to promote violent behaviour by pupils.

▷ stamina /ˈstæmɪnə, ˈstæmənə/ [uncountable noun]

the ability to work hard, run, play sports etc for a long time without getting tired :

▪ You need stamina to be a long-distance runner.

▪ exercises to increase your strength and stamina

▷ staying power /ˈsteɪ-ɪŋ ˌpaʊəʳ/ [uncountable noun]

the ability to continue doing something difficult until it is finished :

▪ You have to admire her staying power. No one else has managed to stick that job for more than a year!

▪ Ahmedi’s performances were world-class in the 1500 metres but he just didn’t have the staying power for longer races.

▷ endurance /ɪnˈdjʊ ə rənsǁɪnˈdʊ ə r-/ [uncountable noun]

the physical and mental strength you need to be able to continue in a very difficult, unpleasant, or uncomfortable situation for a long time :

▪ The people showed great courage, patience, and endurance during the long years of the war.

endurance test

▪ The triathlon is the ultimate endurance test.

test of somebody’s endurance

a situation that needs great endurance

▪ The expeditions behind enemy lines were a tremendous test of one’s endurance and nerves.

4. strong thing/material

▷ strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective]

something that is strong cannot be broken or destroyed easily :

▪ The bags are made of strong black plastic

▪ You’ll need a strong piece of rope for towing the car.

▪ After full heat treatment, the alloy proved to be five times as strong as the pure aluminium.

strength /streŋθ, strenθ/ [uncountable noun]

▪ If internal timbers are removed, the strength of the roof will be seriously impaired.

▷ solid /ˈsɒlɪd, ˈsɒlədǁˈsɑː-/ [adjective]

a building or piece of furniture that is solid is strong and well made :

▪ The table seemed solid enough, so I climbed up onto it.

▪ rows of solid little houses built of local stone

as solid as a rock

very solid

▪ He rapped his knuckles against the body of the sink unit. It was as solid as a rock.

▷ tough /tʌf/ [adjective]

not easily cut or damaged - use this about cloth, leather, plastic etc :

▪ The sailors wore jackets made from tough waterproof cotton.

▪ a pair of tough leather boots

▪ Normal floor paint might not be tough enough for the garage.

▷ durable /ˈdjʊ ə rəb ə lǁˈdʊ ə r-/ [adjective]

substances or products that are durable are strong and will last a long time, even if they are used a lot :

▪ Bronze is harder and more durable than tin.

▪ What you need for Africa is a simple, durable and inexpensive vehicle.

▪ The roofs are constructed from heavy and durable timbers, usually teak or mahogany.

durability /ˌdjʊ ə rəˈbɪlɪti, ˌdjʊ ə rəˈbɪlətiǁˌdʊ ə r-/ [uncountable noun]

▪ We tested several products for quality and durability.

▷ heavy-duty /ˌhevi ˈdjuːti◂ǁ-ˈduːti◂/ [adjective only before noun]

heavy-duty materials, tools, machines etc are specially made to be stronger than usual, often because they are going to be used a lot or used in difficult conditions :

▪ If you are going to put an electric cable underground, you must use the special heavy-duty type.

▪ The emergency equipment includes food, a first-aid kit, and a heavy-duty flashlight.

▷ hardwearing /ˌhɑːʳdˈwe ə rɪŋ◂/ [adjective]

a hardwearing cloth or material is strong and will last a long time, even if it is used a lot :

▪ Polyester is not particularly hardwearing but it is cheap.

▪ It’s best to lay a good quality, hardwearing carpet.

▷ reinforced /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːʳst◂, ˌriːənˈfɔːʳst◂/ [adjective only before noun]

a reinforced material or part has had other materials or parts added to make it stronger :

▪ A reinforced concrete dome, two metres thick, protects the radioactive core of the nuclear reactor.

▪ Like all the clothes in the range it has specially reinforced seams.

▷ unbreakable /ʌnˈbreɪkəb ə l/ [adjective]

something that is unbreakable is difficult or impossible to break because it is made of a very strong substance :

▪ Make sure your patio doors are made of unbreakable glass.

▪ a virtually unbreakable vacuum flask

▷ indestructible /ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktɪb ə l, ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəb ə l/ [adjective]

impossible to break, damage or destroy :

▪ Until the accident, the ship was considered indestructible.

▪ There is little point putting an indestructible door in a frame that will rot in 10 years.

5. to make something stronger

▷ make something stronger /ˌmeɪk something ˈstrɒŋgəʳǁ-ˈstrɔːŋ-/ [verb phrase]

to make something physically stronger :

▪ I’ve put in some extra posts to make the fence stronger.

▪ A final heat treatment makes the glass much stronger and improves its optical qualities.

▷ strengthen /ˈstreŋθ ə n, ˈstrenθ ə n/ [transitive verb]

to make something strong, especially by adding something else :

▪ The ship’s decks will have to be strengthened to carry the extra weight.

▪ a set of exercises to strengthen the leg muscles

▪ The walls were strengthened with steel rods.

▷ reinforce /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːʳs, ˌriːənˈfɔːʳs/ [transitive verb]

to make part of a building or structure stronger :

▪ Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.

▪ The sea wall at Southend is being reinforced with tons of cement.

6. a strong feeling/belief

▷ strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective]

▪ The subject of abortion always arouses strong emotions.

▪ Stapleton has very strong views on capital punishment.

▪ She had a strong urge to sell everything she owned and travel abroad.

▪ The new police have received strong support from local residents.

strongly [adverb]

▪ I don’t let people smoke in my house -- it’s something I feel very strongly about.

strength /streŋθ, strenθ/ [uncountable noun]

▪ The President could not ignore the strength of public opinion.

▷ intense /ɪnˈtens/ [adjective]

a feeling that is intense is extremely strong :

▪ It would give me intense pleasure to beat him at tennis.

▪ As we waited for the winner to be announced, the excitement was intense.

▪ Every car was stopped and searched, which caused intense annoyance to the drivers.

intensely [adverb]

▪ From the moment I first met him I disliked him intensely.

▷ passionate /ˈpæʃ ə nɪt, ˈpæʃ ə nət/ [adjective]

involving strong feelings, especially about what is right and wrong :

▪ I remember many passionate arguments taking place around this table.

passionate about

▪ He’s passionate about the need to protect the environment.

passionate believer/opponent/supporter etc

▪ Thatcher has always been a passionate believer in the ideals of a free market economy.

passionately [adverb]

▪ He was passionately against nuclear weapons.

passion [uncountable noun]

▪ He delivered his speech with passion and conviction.

▷ powerful /ˈpaʊəʳf ə l/ [adjective]

having a great effect on someone :

▪ Jealousy is a very powerful emotion.

▪ Her desire to hit him was so powerful that she had to force herself to leave the room at once.

▷ deep /diːp/ [adjective]

a deep feeling is one that you feel very strongly, especially a feeling of love, disappointment, or sympathy :

▪ I have always had a deep affection for your family.

▪ The news came as a deep disappointment to us all.

▪ Please accept our deepest sympathies. used when someone has died

deeply [adverb]

▪ He was deeply offended by their remarks.

▷ fervent /ˈfɜːʳvənt/ [adjective usually before noun]

very strong and sincere :

▪ Despite her troubled life she has always had a fervent belief in God.

fervent admirer/supporter/believer etc

▪ Most of the people here are fervent supporters of self-determination.

fervently [adverb]

▪ He will be remembered as a politician who fervently argued for what he believed in.

▷ ardent /ˈɑːʳd ə nt/ [adjective usually before noun] formal

very strong and sincere :

▪ He was a man of strong beliefs and had always given ardent support to the Reform cause.

▪ Even his most ardent supporters disagreed with this move.

ardently [adverb]

▪ She ardently believed that women should have the same rights as men and was determined to fight for this.

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