Meaning of BLACK HUMOUR in English



An exercise in black humour set in an enclosed and hopeless world, the film ends with him remaining behind bars.

Either way, it was an occasion for black humour , or at least sick jokes.

Even the problems have unexpected black humour , such as the last-breath-of-a-dying man problem.

It is one of his most heartfelt works combining all the pungency, political commitment and black humour of his best plays.

Michela Wrong tells her story with the bitter black humour of those who survived the Mobutu years.

No, not at all; it's a witty seriousness, black humour , or whatever you want to call it.

That was the true black humour of colleagues I thought were my mates.

There were moments of black humour as well regarding the safety of deaf people in wartime conditions.

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