An off-centre opening at the back was secured with over 50 covered buttons.
As in billiards, a direct collision results in backward scattering and an off-centre collision results in forward scattering.
He had protruding ears and a thatch of curly hair that sat on his head like a woolly beret, slightly off-centre .
It was one of those featureless, slightly off-centre voices.
Moreover, and to add insult to injury, these off-centre policies are never supported by a clear majority of the electorate.
The densely stitched image has a sketched, animated quality. it sits off-centre with an odd perspective, as if seen from above.
The only thing that lets it down in this area is a slightly off-centre truss rod cover.
With hindsight, such viewpoints may be seen as irrelevant, off-centre , or temporary.