Meaning of CALL in English

n. call into question

on call

altar call

at one's beck and call

call upon

call to account

call time

call the tune

call the shots

call one's bluff

call on

call names

call it quits

call it a day

call in question

call forth

call for

call a spade a spade

within call

at call

call and response

call board

call box

call down

call forwarding

call girl

call house

call in

call in sick

call letters

call loan

call number

call off

call of nature

call out

call sheet

call sign

call slip

call to arms

call to quarters

call up

call waiting

cattle call

close call

cold call

conference call

curtain call

duck call

house call

judgment call

port of call

roll call

sick call

toll call

wake up call

called strike

so called

calling card

name calling

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.