Pronunciation: ' dis- ˌ kau ̇ nt, dis- '
Function: verb
Etymology: modification of French décompter, from Old French desconter, from Medieval Latin discomputare, from Latin dis- + computare to count ― more at COUNT
Date: 1629
transitive verb
1 a : to make a deduction from usually for cash or prompt payment <a discount ed price> b : to sell or offer for sale at a discount < discount ing last year's model>
2 : to lend money on after deducting the discount
3 a : to leave out of account : DISREGARD b : to minimize the importance of <shouldn't discount his contributions> c (1) : to make allowance for bias or exaggeration in (2) : to view with doubt < discount a rumor> d : to take into account (as a future event) in present calculations
intransitive verb : to give or make discounts
– dis · count · er \ - ˌ kau ̇ n-t ə r, - ' kau ̇ n- \ noun